The oldest and biggest CRX meet in North America
Event Time
July 20 2024
2275 Dorchester Rd,
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6S4
The NIAGARA CRX MEET will be held at Firemen’s Park (SCVFA), north of Niagara Falls.
You will enter the park via Dorchester Road, and immediately keep left towards the dog park.
Crew will be at the gate accepting payment. Entry is $5, Please exact change only in Canadian Dollars. We cannot break large bills.
Follow the path around the dog park until you reach the shelter building where you will be directed towards parking. Please follow directions and only park in the designated areas.
NON-CRX vehicles are welcome and will be directed towards a separate parking area.
• 12pm
-Group cruise out from camp site to Firemen's Park N Meet location.
-Organizers setup at Firemen's Park (help is always welcome)
• 1pm
Meet start:
-Entrance fee $5 per car, also for non-CRX visitors
-CRX’es will be directed to parking at the designated area (SEE MAP)
-N Meet shirts and Stickers for sale at shelter (cash only please)
-Donations are very welcome to cover expenses
• 4:30-5:00pm
Speeches, Awards & Giveaways:
-Awards change every meet but you can bet that Longest Drive will be the most prestigious
• 5:30pm+
Large group dinner. In the past we have had up to 46 people all together at dinner! Everyone is welcome.
Dinner Location: Boston Pizza, 844 Lundy’s Lane, Niagara Falls, ON, L2H 1H4
• 6:30pm (or after dinner)
Group cruise down to the falls, photos by the falls or around town
• 7:30+
Beer, Bonfire and the big camping night, everyone is welcome back to the camp group, visitors will have to pay at entrance before admittance